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Safeguarding Information

Northants Safeguarding Children Board (NSCB) is a statutory board which has been set up as part of the Every Child Matters government reforms. NSCB ensures that all organisations that work with children work together to keep children and young people safe from harm. NSCB undertakes this role through providing training, the development of policies and procedures and awareness raising.  Further information about the Board can be found here.

Parent’s guide to MASH


Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) provides lots of useful information to help keep your child safe online, about spotting the signs and dealing with exploitation. There are different areas of the website for parents and for children.


Thinkuknow (CEOP)


Keeping your child safe online – a checklist for parents and carers (CEOP)

PJS Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
