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Class 3JW


A big warm welcome to 3JW’s class page!

I hope you and your family are ready for an amazing, fun-packed, learning experience!

The children will complete a transition unit entitled ‘Being Me’ in the first few days.  This unit ensures all the children understand, discuss, and embrace our school’s ideology while promising that their social and emotional well-being is at the forefront.

Then we continue to Christmas, with exciting topics focusing on History and Geography.  In the first term, we will explore the Stone Age to the Iron Age.  Then after the half-term break, we focus on the geographical area and the impact on the landscape and settlements in the UK.

This is just a ‘snapshot’ of some of the varied and interesting lessons your child will participate in, and a more detailed outline will be shown in our newsletter.

Physical Education for this term is on a Thursday afternoon and a Friday morning, so your child will need to be wearing their PE kit and it needs to be suitable for outside weather, on these days. 

We look forward to welcoming you in September, however, if you have any concerns or problems in the meantime, then please do not hesitate to contact me, Terri or Dawn.

Warmest regards.

Jo Whiting,

Terri Baker & Dawn Griggs

Important Information

The first full day of term for all pupils is Wednesday 4th September 2024.

Year 3 children through the main entrance.


Generic term 1 timetable
