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Class 3JW

Welcome back to a busy but exciting final term in year three. 


I hope you are ready to join us on a thrilling journey into the summer term where the children will be participating in their first school swimming lessons, sports day, and other exciting activities during this term.


This term the children will begin a new creative curriculum historical topic on the theme of ‘the Anglo Saxons’.  They will explore the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons; their settlements, culture, art, and village life. 


During the final term, the children will begin a geographical topic called ‘Recycling’.  They will research and understand the effects of waste on the environment and learn why it is important to recycle. They will learn to recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things while understanding that the Earth’s resources are finite.


In the subject of Science; the children will be addressing areas already covered in this past year.  The children will extend their knowledge of light, forces, plants & rocks, and soils.

This term the children will start their swimming and water safety unit.  This unit is for five weeks in year three and will be then continued again in years four, five & six. The children, once assessed, will be either learning to swim or refining their swimming skills in the pool, at Waendal Leisure Facility, on each Wednesday afternoon.


Now that swimming has finished for my class - PE is on a Wednesday & Thursday afternoon.


Dates for your diary.


School trip 18th July 2024 -  Zoo


However, if you have any concerns or problems, please do not hesitate to contact me or Terri Baker.


Warmest regards


Jo Whiting


Newsletter term 5 & 6
