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Class 3KY

3KY’s Class Page!


Welcome to 3KY's class page!!


Happy New Year!! It's 2025 and we have another amazing term for you!


 This term we will be looking at history again and our focus will be the romans and their impact on Britain. As part of our topic, we will be going on a school trip to Flag Fen (12th February), where we will look at life as a Roman. Please look our for further information on this in the coming weeks. After the February half term, we will return to look at geography, and we will be exploring natural disasters and Pompeii. This is always a fun and interesting topic that gives us the chance to link our learning in history and geography, as we we look at how the Romans were affected by Mount Vesuvius erupting in Pompeii.


We continue to study English, maths, RE, art & design and science with links to these subjects also covered through our new topics. We will also be looking at music this term and will be looking at composition and notation.


PE will continue to be on a Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning for 3KY and we will update you on any changes to this. You will need to come to school in your PE kit (black shorts or bottoms, a white t-shirt and trainers) on these days. No football shirts are to be worn. Please can you make sure that no jewellery (including earrings) is worn on these days and that long hair is tied up. 


We LOVE reading at Park and really want you to as well! We would love it for you to read at home, listen to adults reading and even listen to audio books. Make sure you continue to track your reading at home.


 If you have any concerns or questions in the meantime, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Katherine Young



Time Tables

Useful Websites

Christmas Production Songs

Year 3 Choir
