Class 5VT
Please note that PE is on Monday and Friday, so please wear appropriate clothing and remove jewellery. You will also need long hair tied back.
Track my read QR code
Welcome back and Happy New Year!
We continue to be looking forward to an exciting term of learning.
This term we be working on a competition initially, creating a piece of writing for the Rotary Club. This will be followed by work on William Shakespeare's Henry V. Children will be working on drama a lot and will use this to inform their writing. They will also learn about the time period of Henry V In Reading we will be working on When Hitler stole pink rabbit, which is the semi-autobiography of Judith Kerr. There is a lot of information about WWII which will help children next year. We move on to Invisible by Tom Percival.
Maths begins with multiples and factors, moving onto decimals and will continue to develop the children's skills and understanding in a range of areas. Building from what they know and taking their understanding further.
Science this term will be based on Ratatouille's kitchen and will look at how materials change with different temperatures.
For History we look at the Tudor period, learning about William Shakespeare's life and what times were like during this era.
PE will be on a Monday afternoon and Friday morning (basketball coach), children will need to be wearing appropriate clothing dependent on where their PE will take place.
In computing we will begin to learn about flat file data bases and move on to learning about crumbles and how to use them for programming.
PHSE looks at our dreams and goals, both short and long term.
RE will focus in on Judaism and making links to other religious beliefs.
Daily practice of times tables will continue and anything done at home will greatly support this.
Track my read is still being used for recording all reading we do. Children are given time in school to record, but if they can track at home too they could win the reading prize.
We look forward to an amazing term of learning and discovery.
Miss T and Mrs Murphy