Class 4JD
Welcome, I hope you had an enjoyable summer and are all refreshed and ready for Year 4 at Park Junior. First term is always a great time to see all your classmates again and obviously get to know your new teacher. I (Mr Draper) am really looking forward to getting to know you more and starting our learning journey together. Are you ready? So let's begin!
What are we doing this term? Here is a quick run through;
Maths Our focus at the start is the key foundations of our maths knowledge. So we start by looking at Place value and in particular values of numbers between 1 to 1,000 (Yes 4 digits in Y4!). We then recap on our operations, so that means looking at adding and subtracting, both mentally and then looking to methods to add 4-digit numbers. Finally in maths there is a huge focus on Multiplication, in June 2025 we take a National test based on our Multiplication facats, so lots to TimesTables games and of course TTRockstars!
English We start our English journey with a wonderful animation called "Bubbles", I won't give away any more, but we get to recap on word classes and how we can use these to create ambitious sentences and expand on ideas to make a short exciting narrative. Later in the term we explore what makes a traditional tale and use this knowledge to explore a popular book by Julia Donaldson. (No spoliers!)
History I know a lot of children are fascinated by the Vikings - I am too! In history we take a whistle-stop tour through this period, looking at where they came from and why, raids and their warrior culture and the legacy they left us with.
I will stop at this point, but we have a great range of topics and areas we will cover in ICT, French, Art and all the other subjects we cover during our school year.
PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays please remember to come to school in your PE kit on these days which is a white T-shirt and black shorts/tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Please dress for the conditions as we could be outside so on chilly days ensure you are dressed warmly as its easier to remove layers than add them!
Team wise I am joined by three wonderful Teaching Assistants, Ms Griggs-Sealy who is in class in the morning, Ms Capiron who is with us in the afternoon and Ms Ager who you will know from Year 3.
For any parents who wish to discuss anything with me, on most days I will be outside the boys exit at 3.30pm or alternatively leave a message with school reception and I can get back to you on whatever your query is.
Kindest Regards
Mr Draper, Ms Griggs-Sealy ,Ms Capiron and Ms Ager