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Class 4JD

Here we are, summer term is here.  It's always a very busy term with lots of things happening and its always crazy to think that we are getting into our last term, whereas it feels we have only been together for a short period!


What are we doing this term?  Here is a quick run through!


Maths The national Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) takes place in June so most mornings we will be continuing to practise our tables facts.  We have started looking at decimal numbers and will continue to expand on these.  We will also use our knowledge of decimals to look at money including adding and subtracting pounds and pence as well is giving change from £'s.

English To accompany our wonderful History topic, we look at the tomb of Tutankhumen and read about Howard Carters wonderful discovery, writing diary entries and descriptive writing to describes the treasures that lay within.  We also also write a Newspaper recount of Shackletons expedition to the South Pole. 

History I know a lot of children are fascinated by the Ancient Egyptians - I am too!  In history we take a whistle-stop tour through this period, looking at pyramids, pharoahs and the Rosetta Stone and how this helped us to decode heiroglyphics.



PE days are Thursday and Tuesday please remember to come to school in your PE kit on these days which is a white T-shirt and black shorts/tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Please dress for the conditions as we could be outside so on chilly days ensure you are dressed warmly, so bring sun hats and sun cream if its hot!


The summer term also brings our Y4 residential to Ilam Hall (21-24th May).  A letter has gone out to discuss this trip and the itinery and kit needed.  If you should have any queries please don't hesitate to discuss as I know a few children (and parents) could have a few worries.  (It's a fab trip and the children come back excited and exhausted!)


For any parents who wish to discuss anything with me, on most days I will be outside the boys exit at 3.30pm or alternatively leave a message with school reception and I can get back to you on whatever your query is.


Kindest Regards


Mr Draper, Ms Griggs and Ms Capiron
