School Logo

Class 6JM


Welcome to 6JM 

We are really excited to continue with our year 6 children to 6JM on their learning journey. SATs are over and we are now focusing on our transitions to secondary schools.


The teachers in 6JM continue to be Mrs Jenny May on Mondays and Tuesdays and Mrs Jen McMahon on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Our teaching assistant is Mrs Janet Gerrard.


In the mornings, the children will  be split into three mixed ability English and maths groups  of 20 children enabling us to work in smaller groups, which really benefits the children and helps them to achieve to their full potential ready for the SATs and secondary school. In the afternoons, the children return to their classes for their afternoon sessions.


The group teachers are:

Mrs May / Mrs McMahon with Mrs Gerrard as TA.

Miss Morris with Mrs Howes as TA.

Mrs Montgomery with Mrs Gibbons as TA.


Please see the Year 6 newsletter for information about the topic areas that will be taught this term in Year 6 within each subject area.


P.E. is on a Monday and Wednesday. The children need to come to school in their P.E. kits on these days. P.E. kit is a white t-shirt, black shorts / joggers and trainers. All jewellery should be removed for P.E. and long hair should be tied back.


Homework is set weekly for English and Maths and is expected to be handed in by the Thursday having been handed out on the previous Friday.  Homework will be set through teams. We do expect homework to be taken seriously by the children as it is important that they prepare themselves for the homework they will receive next year. The idea of weekly tasks is preparing the children for the routine they will need to take on board in their secondary schools.


We encourage regular opportunities at home for the children to read, talk and to practise their multiplication tables. 


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or concerns. We are here to help and support you and your child.


Mrs Jenny May/Mrs Jen McMahon/Mrs Janet Gerrard


Our Base!
