Class 6JM
Welcome to 6JM
Welcome to 6JM in 2025!
The teachers in 6JM continue to be Mrs Jenny May on Mondays and Tuesdays and Mrs Jen McMahon on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. We are lucky enough to have two teaching assistants working in 6JM this year: Mrs Janet Gerrard and Mrs Gill Gibbons.
In the mornings, the children will work in their classes on the core subjects - English and maths. In the afternoons, the children will enjoy our wider curriculum subjects covering a range of interesting and fun topics.
Please see the Year 6 newsletter for information about the topic areas that will be taught this term in Year 6 within each subject.
P.E. will be on a Monday and Thursday. The children need to come to school in their P.E. kits on these days. P.E. kit is a white t-shirt, black shorts / joggers and trainers. All jewellery should be removed for P.E. and long hair should be tied back.
Homework will still be set weekly for English and Maths and is expected to be handed in by Tuesday having been handed out on the previous Wednesday. Homework will be set in homework books. We do expect homework to be taken seriously by the children as it is important that they prepare themselves for the homework they will receive next year. The idea of weekly tasks is preparing the children for the routine they will need to take on board in their secondary schools. They have have started off very well in the last term with the majority of children taking pride in their work and handing it in time and we look forward to this great homework record continuing.
We encourage regular opportunities at home for the children to read, talk and to practise their multiplication tables.
Special maths booster groups will be starting this term run by Mrs Montgomery who is joining us to help out with this and Miss Hannah Morris who is starting the journey of return on a one afternoon a week basis. These groups will really help the children involved to have extra tuition and practice to help them reach their full potential before the SATs and, of course, ready for next year.
We look forward to the term ahead working alongside Miss Love and 6LL.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or concerns. We are here to help and support you and your child.
Mrs Jenny May/Mrs Jen McMahon/Mrs Janet Gerrard/Mrs Gill Gibbons