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Tuesday 8th October

Tuesday 8th October


After a very good night's sleep we all had our first breakfast of the trip this morning. The choice of what to have was the hardest part but most of us chose the bagels! It was raining lightly but that didn't dampen our spirits as we headed out for our first activities - Wilderness skills, Harlech Castle. Orienteering and Kayaking. Everyone is yet to get back together for lunch and there will be another update for this afternoon!


Our afternoon was dry and at times even sunny! Each group went to their next activity; Harlech Castle, Canoeing, Wilderness skills and Orienteering. As the photos show, a great time has been had by all and the wetsuit putting on has been fairly challenge free! Many of the children who have been at the harbour have loved jumping into the water and had a huge amount of fun.


This evening, after a dinner of sausages and mash and icecream, we have had a go at our famous quiz night organised by Mrs McMahon.  The competitive spirit has been clear to see as we have battled through all the different rounds to come out on top!


Soon we will be finishing our evening with a cup of hot chocolate and quiet circle time as we reflect on our day and prepare for a good night's sleep ready for tomorrow.
