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Thursday 10th October

Thursday 10th October


Today we have completed our last two activities. There were a lot of water based activities - each group had at least one - and this was a great way to finish the activity timetable. Yet again, we had good weather and the walk up and down from our accommodation to the harbour is getting easier and easier!


Tonight we are having our movie night as the children are very tired and are really enjoying some down time. There are many special cuddly toys enjoying the film too!


We have had an amazing, smooth running week and I have to compliment the children on their approach to the whole week. We have had very little home sickness, full determination to do every activity and a brilliant overall positive feeling. It has been fabulous for all the staff to get to know every child really well and we have thoroughly enjoyed their company this week. They are a lovely, polite and kind group who have impressed us in so many ways.


Tomorrow morning we will be packing after breakfast and then getting on the coach to go to Barmouth to visit souvenir shops and of course the famous ice cream shop. We will have an early lunch there then travel home hoping that the traffic will be kind to us. You will be informed by parent mail as the journey progresses as to our expected time of arrival however as mentioned in the information evening, it should be from 5 - 5:30pm, hopefully nearer 5pm.


The children will be bringing their wet clothes and shoes back in a black bin liner so please remember to pick this bag up when you pick their cases up tomorrow at school when we arrive back. 


The children have had a full on week and will have many experiences to share when they get home and we hope they have a rested weekend ready to return to school on Monday where it will be lovely to see them again. I'm sure their friends back at school will look forward to welcoming them back.


