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Tuesday 12th September

We had a very good first night last night and woke up ready to go this morning. After breakfast, we split into 4 groups for our morning activities. We did a range of activities including Wilderness Skills, Gorge walking, Kayaking and Orienteering. After lunch we then changed to another activity. For the water sports groups, putting the wetsuits on was the first challenge! We had legs and arms going everywhere as we prised them on but we all succeeded and were pleased to be wearing them when in the water! 


The weather was cloudy and at times drizzly however it was still warm so we were happy with that!

The children were amazing - all the water sports group children were eager to take part and even if they hadn't done it before, they were ready to have a go. We were so impressed that they all were taking part within minutes and had a great session. The groups who didn't take part in water sports took part in other activities that were also very successful. They enjoyed the variety of things they had to do - Harlech Castle was very impressive, the Wilderness skills were very much like a Bear Grylls experience and Orienteering allowed the children to explore the extensive grounds freely and safely whilst reading maps.


We had a great dinner of pizza and ice cream and we are now enjoying Mrs McMahon's famous Wales quiz! The children have had such a busy day and have managed exceptionally well - they are pretty tired so i'm sure we'll have another good night ready for new activities tomorrow!
