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Science Narrative


A quality science curriculum will support children in gaining a fascination for – and understanding of - the world around them. They will become curious about our planet and gain a desire to learn more about the physical and natural phenomena to be found both there and in the wider universe. They will learn about: the physical laws and principles which have shaped our world and maintained the systems found therein; the chemical processes and concepts controlling all forms of matter; the diversity and inter-relatedness of all living things, with particular emphasis on the life processes which are essential to the maintenance and health of the human body. They will learn about the effects that science has on our everyday lives and will develop a sense of responsibility for the care of our world, recognising how an understanding of science is essential in the preservation of our natural and human environments and of how resources can be managed sustainably.


Our long-term science planning has been created to ensure that children have progression throughout their 4 years at Park whilst revisiting their learning from previous years, including KS1) throughout their school year. Planning is divided into 6 topics, each with a range of science curriculum areas within. Children build on prior knowledge on different units, repeating areas, and developing their understanding further as they progress throughout their school year and the school. Progression is clear across the year groups, and the pitch is appropriate for each year group. As a result, learning is then revisited and embedded, and ensures that learners are being provided the opportunity to learn more. Our curriculum, whilst covering the statutory and non-statutory requirements, is student led.


During Lower KS2, children will be given the opportunity to broaden their scientific view of the world around them. The following areas of focus have been selected: human biology (including nutrition, the digestive system and the functions of the skeleton and muscles); plants; classification; environmental change; states of matter; rocks; light and sound; frictional force and magnets. This range of units will provide pupils with a broad grounding in the scientific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.


During Upper KS2, children will be given the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of a wide range of scientific ideas. They will encounter more abstract concepts and begin to recognise how these will help them to understand and predict how the world operates. They will begin to recognise that scientific ideas change and develop over time. The following areas of focus have been selected: human biology (including the circulatory system and healthy lifestyles); evolution and inheritance; classification; life cycles; material science; forces; light; electricity; Earth and space. This range of units will complete a broad and comprehensive science education within the disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics in readiness for the challenges of secondary school science.


The following high dividend concepts have been identified as part of the NPAT science curriculum: Energy, Forces, Matter, Earth and Space, Life, Evolution. These will form the Big Ideas’ through which all science will be taught.


The curriculum has been carefully sequenced to ensure a progression in substantive and disciplinary knowledge and to reveal the interplay between them. Children will obtain a solid understanding and knowledge of the key scientific concepts, laws, theories and models of science as well as the knowledge of the practices of science. This is a knowledge-rich science curriculum. The content is specified in detail and is taught to be remembered, not just encountered. Disciplinary knowledge - in the form of Enquiry (and the associated investigative skills) - is embedded within the most appropriate substantive context. Teachers will make explicit reference to prior learning and planning will identify relevant links throughout the curriculum:


  • Horizontal links will be made where knowledge and understanding are built upon over the course of the academic year. E.g., Where observation over time is identified as a key concept (such as in Year 3, where animals including humans is revisited at four points throughout the academic year including addressing teachings from KS1 ) or where scientific concepts bridge units (such as in Year 5, where gravity is encountered in the Stars Wars unit and then explored in greater depth later in the same year in the Moana unit).


  • Vertical links will be made where knowledge and understanding are built upon from previous science units. E.g., In Year 6, the Light unit will build upon knowledge and understanding from the Year 3 units including Light and Shadows; likewise, in Year 4, the Digestive System lessons will make direct references to the Nutrition lessons covered in Year 3.


  • Diagonal links will be made where knowledge and understanding are built upon across the wider curriculum. E.g., links between science and geography - such as Environmental Change (Science) with Rainforests/Deforestation (Geography) and Rocks, Soils and Fossils (Science) with Volcanoes (Geography).V

The National Curriculum (Science)





Useful Links 


We love to use interactive resources within school. 

You can check out these sites at home which have some nifty experiments you can try! 

