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Class 5SM

Inter Faith Workshop

Reading tree

Track my read QR code


Making pulleys

Science - We started the year with a great practical science lesson in to air resistance, water resistance and friction!



Welcome to year 5. We are so very excited about the year ahead. We understand that you may feel a little nervous, but we are in this together. Talk to the adults as we are here to help you. 

We will begin English with the book Gorilla, moving on to studying Alice in Wonderland. The children will develop and learn skills for use in their writing. 

Maths will begin with place value, working with increasingly larger digits. Moving on from this we will be improving our calculations with the four operations. This will use the skills from place value and develop their ability to calculate effectively. 

Science is carried out in a unit called 'A Day at Disney' where children will be developing their knowledge and skills in a range of areas. We will be looking at how the rides work, why there are age/height restrictions and how friction affects the rides to name a few. It is an interesting unit which links well to the children's creative skills when they design their own ride. 

History will be looking at the Industrial Revolution and the Victorians. Children will learn about many of the changes which occurred during this time and the impact that it had on life. We look at the many inventions which happened at the time and which of these we are still using today. Children will find out about life for the children and how it is very different to life now. Our school trip will be part of this unit and children will be able to have hands on experience of the time period. 

PE this term will be on a Wednesday morning (Pacesetters), children should come to school in their PE kit, with their hair tied back and jewellery removed. Thursday afternoon will be swimming, children bring their appropriate costume to school with a towel. 

Our school values remain the same as last year: Perseverance   Ambition    Responsibility   Kindness, children can earn pebbles or even a head teacher's award for meeting these values. 

Reading is an essential part of all learning, children can improve amazingly through reading consistently. Remember to record all your reading on ‘Track my read’ as we want to be the winning class. You can record any reading that you do or hear so audio books and your adults reading to you counts too.


Mrs Miller and Mrs Batchelor 


Our team is: Mrs Miller, Mrs Batchelor (Tues-Friday) Miss Love and Mrs Patel (Mondays)

