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Class 4VdB


A very warm welcome to 4VdB class page.


We are looking forward to continuing our learning journey within the Spring Term in Year 4. The Year 4 staff are really excited for the coming months and we have some fun activities and events planned.

We are really looking forward to working with our class during this term. 


Our first topic this half term is history based and we will learning about the history of the shoe industry in Northamptonshire and Wellingborough. During the second half of the Spring term, we will be studying a geography based topic linked to our art project called 'Take One Picture', which is linked to the National Gallery in London. In science, our first unit of work this term is called 'Back Stage at the castle'. Our second science topic is called 'Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs'.  In maths, we will start by looking at multiplication and division, then statistics and fractions. In English, we are going to be looking at a picture story book called 'Journey'.

There is more information on our units of work for the Spring term in the Year 4 newsletter.


Our P.E. days are Wednesdays (gymnastics and dance) and Thursdays (swimming). Please come to school in your P.E. kit on a Wednesday and bring your swimming kit in a bag on a Thursday. A reminder that P.E. kit needs to be a plain white T.shirt, black shorts and trainers. Jogging bottoms and a jumper can be worn for outdoor P.E. when the weather is colder. Jewellery (including earrings) must be removed for P.E. and long hair has to be tied back.


There will be two separate homework grids for each of the half terms.


Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any queries or worries - we are here to help and you will find us on the playground at the end of most school days.


Here's to a really successful and enjoyable Spring term in 4VdB.


Mrs de Boer & Mrs Johnson

