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It is important for children to be punctual as teaching starts at 8:50am daily and finishes at 3.30pm (34 hours per week).

If your child is late, they must go to reception so that we know they are here.

By law, children should be attending school on time and at school for at least 95% of the sessions a year (each day is 2 sessions) so any unexplained absence means we have to find out where your child was.  Under the law on attendance we will contact you if your child has a pattern of lateness or poor attendance.  We would therefore urge you to contact our Family Support Worker, Mrs Nina Kutscheraur:, if you are experiencing problems getting your child to school on time.  Your child's attendance record is recorded on their annual report and will be discussed at parents' evenings.


We celebrate the children's attendance in school with a monthly class award given to the class with the highest percentage attendance for the month and also individual awards for termly attendance where the children can achieve bronze, silver and gold certificates for 100% attendance throughout the year.






3JW   95.9%

3KY   95.7%

4VdB  92.6%

4JD    95.6%

5VT   96.6%

5SM  96.3%

6JM  96.7%

6HM  90.0%


1st  6JM    Amazing

2nd 5VT   Brilliant

3rd  5SM   Fantastic


Average  94.9%



